Bill has been praised by reviewers and readers for his entertaining and thought-provoking projections of modern science and technology. Colorful characters populate the pages of his Glide Trilogy, which has been widely read online and won the 2014 Beverly Hills Book Award for Science Fiction. In Bill’s young adult mystery-thriller series, Cap City Mysteries, disadvantaged but talented teens take on the rich and powerful in Washington, DC.
Here’s what critics and readers are saying about Bill’s stories:
Bill Gourgey gets teenagers. From a homeless tech prodigy fleeing an abusive home in “Capitol Kid” to a preternaturally talented young artist escaping foster care in “Attic Ward,” he masterfully portrays the lives of kids living on the edge.
-Karen Lyon, The Literary Hill (December, 2017)
The [Glide] trilogy will enthrall readers…
-Publishers Weekly Select (Germs & Fury, formerly Gene.sys, 2015)
Gourgey conjures up dazzlingly innovative concepts that wickedly satirize online interactions and offer mind-spinning visions of futuristic technologies.
-Publishers Weekly Select (Germs & Fury, formerly Gene.sys, 2015)
[Unfamiliar Fruit] spoke to me…The stories make you consider family dynamics in a new way.
– reviewer (Unfamiliar Fruit, 2013)
I loved this book! I found myself thinking about the characters well after I finished reading.
– reviewer (Unfamiliar Fruit, 2013)
Gourgey employs tension extraordinarily well, ratcheting up the suspense from beginning to end, so that when the final confrontation takes place, it is a cathartic explosion of pent-up nerves.
-Aaron Pound, Dreaming About Other Worlds (Games & Fate, formerly Nu Logic, 2013)
Satire and technology merge in this fascinating and thought-provoking adventure tale that … also offers serious reflections on the potential darker aspects of our ever-increasing subjection to the yoke of e-everything.
-Publishers Weekly Select, starred (Games & Fate, formerly Nu Logic, 2013)
If you love science fiction, technology, and mysterious events that can’t be solved, you’ll absolutely love this book.
-Christine, The Bookish Daydreamer (Games & Fate, formerly Nu Logic, 2013)
Philosophy, scientific theory, literary allusion, espionage and magic combine to create a world where secrets in hidden lands and laboratories threaten a post-apocalyptic civilization. [A]n entertaining … tale of the dangers and benefits of science and love.
-Kirkus Reviews (Gravity & Fire, formerly Glide, 2011)
Soo hooked on Glide!!! Reminds me of all my sci fi heroes-unexpectedly Heinleinian with swirls that taste of the richness of Butler [and] a bit of Asimov’s world tech/development. And yet this story is completely unique. Amazing work. Genius, really.
-Wattpad reviewer (Gravity & Fire, formerly Glide, 2011)
[Glide is] a tale that is as much about our love affair with invention as it is about our future.
-Arun Netravali, President Emeritus, Bell Labs (Gravity & Fire, formerly Glide, 2011)
[Glide] has been one of the most captivating stories I’ve ever read. It really made me think… The execution and ending is simply perfect.
-Wattpad reviewer (Gravity & Fire, formerly Glide, 2011)